Since I am 39 weeks pregnant and sooo ready to be done, I've been thinking a lot about Shailee's Birth and how that whole process went. Will it be the same or will it be completely different? I wanted to post a blog about my labor and delivery experience with her. So i can look back and read how alike or different they were. Also this will keep me entertained for a bit.
(6 months pregnant with Shailee)
Pregnancy: My pregnancy with Shailee was super hard on my body. My starting weight with Shailee was 112 pounds At 6 months pregnant I had gotten down to about 104 pounds. Ending weight was 120 pounds. Only an 8 pound gain with that stinker. I threw up from Day one until the day she was born. Constantly Sick. I remember at one point i couldnt even contain water and had to be in the hospital to get my fluids. She was taking EVERYTHING from me. (still does) :)
(Let me add that I looked like hell at midnight)
Labor: My due date with Shailee was March 2nd 2010. During the whole pregnancy I was either working, throwing up, or lying in bed. I was so sick and depressed all the time with her, being a single mother at the time didn't help. On February 27th I finally decided I needed to get my butt out of bed and go walking. I walked around 3 different malls, over 15 different stores, and I was so exhausted by the time I got home. That was the first time I had actually got out of the house besides work. I don't know if that is what actually put me into labor or if I was just close to my due date anyway, but that night at 11:00 i started feeling pain. I had not had one contraction or even a braxton hick with Shailee until this night. The pain was small and I had just thought it was because I walked my self for 10 hours straight. So I didn't time them. I started to drift off to sleep and then I felt the worst pain I had ever felt in my entire life! Midnight exactly is when my major labor pains began. I started freaking out and demanded someone to take me to the hospital right then. It felt like someone was taking a knife to my back and then grinding it from the back to the front of my stomach constantly. When we got to the hospital the nurses said they had to wait and watch me for an hour to see if this was real labor. After I heard that I think i broke the world record for the most swear words said in a short period of time. I was screaming and swearing in so much pain and they wanted to wait an hour!?!? um, NO. About 5 minutes later everything started to go white. I could not see anything. I knew I was about to pass out because of the pain. About 5 minutes after that the nurse said ok lets get her an epidural. haha. So much for an hour, suckers. ;) I don't recall there being any pain from the epidural just because my contractions were so bad. As soon as that epidural was in, I was in heaven. I was the sweetest thing you've ever seen. I was laughing and having fun at that point. I liked that I couldn't pick up my legs and someone had to do it for me. I couldn't feel anything, It was wonderful.
Delivery: It took me about 10 hours to get dialated to what I needed to be. They broke my water at about 8:00 and at 10:30 am it was time to push. I couldn't feel if I was pushing, but they said I was doing it perfectly so I guess I must have been. I pushed for 21 minutes with a tear (glad I was numb) and at 10:51 out came my precious little angel. I didn't cry, I was in shock. I think the first thing I said was OH MY GOSH. It was unreal that this little baby just came out of me. After they dried her off I started to tear up a bit, but that moment is so unreal, its not something I could take in at that moment. But everyone else in the room was bawling their eyes out. Now when I watch the video of her being born I cry my eyes out, but could not in the moment. I still am in shock that I gave birth and am about to do it again! She was 7 pounds 11 oz and 19 1/2 inches long. And PERFECT! She had such beautiful skin and color. A little yellow, but she had a mild case of jaundice. Now that I look back, for the 1/2 hour-hour of pain that I had with contractions my delivery was pretty easy, and she was born 2 days early. Good thing, cause I am so impatient. I am anticipating what this one will be like.
As for now, just time to wait..................................................................
More Pictures Of Shailee's Birth:
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