I went into my monthly appt for another ultrasound to check on my kidneys and to just do an all over ultrasound of my stomach sides and back to get an idea of why I'm always in so much pain. We found: an ulcer, a kidney infection, hydronephrosis, and a new second tear in my placenta. I broke down crying. Not because I feel bad for myself but because 1. I'm worried for my baby. 2. I know what was coming next. The doctor then came in and put me on a higher dose of pain medication. Although I'm supposed to take it every 6 hrs I don't. I take it when I absolutely feel like I'm dying. It hurts me to know that everything I have is not something that will really go away until the baby is born and I hate that when push comes to shove I have to take that stupid pain pill because I don't want my baby to have that. I do struggle on a daily basis with pain but luckily I have two kids that keep me preoccupied and a husband who takes good care of me when I'm in need. But reality, Pain is starting to get worse as the baby gets bigger. It's tough. I want to enjoy this pregnancy as much as I can, because it will probably be my last. But... It's hard. I'm busy, I'm in pain, and I'm tired. I hope these next couple months fly by. I can feel my blood pressure starting to drop. I had a little passing out incident in Vegas this past weekend due to that. 😞
Now I'm also worried about when my baby is due. she is due the week after my husbands work convention in Vegas. All of my family will be out of town for different reasons and I'm worried I'll go into labor while all of them are gone and I'm 39 weeks along. Do I tag along? Do I stay home? Do I ask my doctor to take me before everyone leaves? But then I'm stuck at home with a newborn and two kids on my own my first week home? Do I chance Jordan not being able to make it back in time for the birth? Do I really wanna drive to Vegas 39 weeks pregnant? Gah! I guess it's time to ask for some opinions especially from my doctor. I feel I have so much to do and so little time but why do the days feel like they go by so slooooow.
I'm a mess people.
Don't travel during the last month of pregnancy! That's what my obgyn told me. I'm so sorry you have to go through all this pain. I hope the rest of the pregnancy goes by fast enough for you, and it's tough not to worry over something like this, but I'll be hoping for the best for you! Stay strong girl! You're a great mama!
ReplyDeleteDefinitely don't travel during your last month of pregnancy! You want to be close to your doctor! I pray that everything works out for you! It's hard not to worry when you are pregnant, plus there are those pesky hormones! I'm 18 weeks pregnant so I can relate to that worry! Praying for you!
ReplyDeletethank you so much! & i agree completely!